00 Talk Shoppe offers free education and networking to anyone interested in business or real estate. Talk Shoppe’s free events are paid for by our community-givers which are our advertisers and supporters and sponsors.
Sponsorship is priced well-below market costs for the multi-platform marketing services.
Premier Sponsors – Talk to a Talk Shoppe Sponsor
Elite Sponsors: $115/month
Friends of Talk Shoppe (Supporters): $110.00 per year
Printed Advertising on the Talk Shoppe Flyer
This flyer is distributed at Talk Shoppe events, Greater Memphis BNI group and occasionally at other BNI group meetings, and Memphis Investor Group.
Website Advertising
All sponsors will have their ad posted on the front page of Talk Shoppe’s web page: These ads are also displayed at Talk Shoppe events.
Sponsors will have their ad distributed on the weekly e-newsletters. Talk Shoppe’s newsletter has 465 subscribers and an open rate of 14% to 17%.
Social Media Platforms & Professional Video
Sponsors may post a short promotional message monthly on Talk Shoppe’s Facebook page. (Sponsors are responsible for giving content to Talk Shoppe. Submissions must be in writing or video and sent to Jo Garner at
Videos produced at Talk Shoppe by the official Talk Shoppe videographer are considered submitted for content. Your social media posts are placed in a minimum of 3 places once a month. Advertisers/sponsors may repost to Facebook and other platforms and repurpose them to multiple other marketing avenues.
Talk Shoppe uses green screen technology, when available, to create more effective social media advertising for your company. You must be available at Talk Shoppe to create the promo and must give a photo or video for the background on the green screen. The sponsor must have permission to publish the photo or video. The photo or video must be submitted to Jo Garner or the Talk Shoppe videographer by the end of the Talk Shoppe event.
See examples here:
Talk Shoppe’s Social Media Published Video Promos
Our amazing TalkShoppe Green Screen Videos. Sample here.
You can see the videos all over FaceBook. We share them. For YOUR benefit!
Think Tank Exclusive Membership
Talk Shoppe sponsors will receive membership in the Talk Shoppe Think Tank’s lead-generating co-op. Think Tank teaches business owners effective use of Social Media, Blogging, and Website Optimization and sales techniques. Tutorials are taught by Jo Garner, a Graduate of Digital Citizen University, or other eminently qualified instructors. Think Tank is held every 3rd Wednesday of each month directly following the regular Talk Shoppe meeting unless notice is given of an alternative day.
Radio Advertising
Each month sponsors receive a free radio promo on AM 600, WREC & iHeart Radio on Real Estate Mortgage Shoppe with Jo Garner (some restrictions apply).
For examples of Talk Shoppe advertising go to Mortgage Loans Blog page at
(Talk Shoppe Advertising Platforms-ReUse, RePurpose to Expand Your Reach)
Methods used to promote you on the air, the podcasts, and the blog posts:
- Rejoinders – recording you saying your name and company name, city, and state
- Specific endorsement of you and your company and your contact info is given verbally and in the blog post from Jo Garner
- Occasional opportunities to be on the air to share the Talk Shoppe Business Tip for Real Estate Pros This is 2 minutes on the air with further opportunities to share a few seconds of info about what specifically your company does for your clients. Endorsement by Jo Garner on the air and on the podcast and blog post.
Business Coach Keith Potts

Business Coach Keith Potts with Evolve Business Coaching, provides support, direct guidance, helps devise strategy, tactical execution and creates accountability. His clients gain new perspectives, more confidence, improved work/life balance and satisfaction.
Sponsors receive a complementary business discussion with Keith.
Evolve Business Coaching
Keith Potts
901-331-1857 –
Note: If any of the above promotional programs are deactivated, Talk Shoppe will offer an equivalent alternative.
- Jo Garner (901) 482-0354 /, Executive Officer
- Executive Committee Members:
In order to add value to the advertising packages for Talk Shoppe sponsors, Talk Shoppe’s policy is to have only one representative from each industry to avoid having advertisers from the same industry competing against each other. For example, we would not want two life and casualty insurance agents, but we would allow a life and casualty insurance agent and an insurance professional selling health insurance plans to both be Talk Shoppe advertisers as long as they promote within the type of advertising platform they designate.
Talk Shoppe’s list of industries follows generally with the list of professions and industries listed by Business Network International (BNI) .
We thank you for your ideas and suggestions to help build Talk Shoppe into a more effective tool for helping you and other Talk Shoppe participants.
If you are not already part of the Talk Shoppe advertising team, let’s talk!
To Your Success,
Jo Garner, Talk Shoppe Advertising Team Support (901) 482-0354
Click below to download the Talk Shoppe Sponsor sign-up form.
Click below to download the Talk Shoppe Advertiser sign up form.